
Showing posts from 2019

Adam Ferrari: The Pros and Cons of Selling Your Mineral Rights

If you own land in Colorado or any state where oil and gas is commercially developed, chemical engineer Adam Ferrari says you can sell your mineral rights to energy companies in order to accelerate your profits. Whether you decide to sell or not, oil and gas operating companies can legally access your subsurface to develop the mineral estate by either securing a paid-up oil and gas lease or via force pooling. Since the concept of force pooling varies by state and can be somewhat complex, we will dive into that in another blog. Some people will tell you that for the majority of mineral rights owners selling your mineral rights is the way to go but is that really the best advice. Here are the pros and cons of selling your mineral rights: Pros 1. Quick and tax efficient money. When you sell, the buyer gives you a lump sum payment for your mineral rights interest. This sale is treated as capital gains and affords a substantially lower tax rate than other forms of income. This makes t

Adam Ferrari - Home Page

Welcome to the Adam Ferrari BlogSpot site. This website was inspired by the journey of Adam Ferrari, as well as his company’s contributions to society. Discover the science and the art behind the extraction and production of energy commodities, all presented in a manner that    readers with different levels of knowledge can garner insights from. Learn about the industry’s history and the products created that support us in our day to day lives.. Get to know the technologies that make these processes possible, keep people safe, and the innovations that will shape the industry’s future. Additionally, it’s important to remember that energy production is an incredibly crucial business that fuels a majority of our cars, trucks and planes and the overall world economy. For instance, nearly all fertilizers are made from oil or oil byproducts and on top of this oil and natural gas derivatives are the foundational staple for the production of various personal products we all use in ou